xaizek / etabench (License: GPLv3) (since 2022-09-08)
Benchmark for algorithms that compute I/O ETA
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*etabench* is an attempt to make a benchmark for comparing ETA algorithms.  This
is useful not just to pick the best one with more than just a guess work, but
also to improve them by making changes and evaluating their effects.

### Prerequisites ###

* C++ compiler that supports a suitable subset of C++20 (e.g., GCC 11)
* [xmake][xmake] build system
* (optional) [gnuplot][gnuplot] (for `--plot` and `--montage`)
* (optional) [ImageMagick][ImageMagick] (for `--montage`)

### Building and running ###


$ xmake

in the root directory should be enough.  The first time it will ask to confirm
installation of library dependencies, agree to continue the build.

`etabench` executable will be copied to the root directory as part of the build
process and can be run without arguments:

$ ./etabench --algs \*
Profile \ Alg        #1        #2        #3        #4        #5        #6        #7        #8        #9        #10       #11       #12       #13       #14
Constant        98.01:4   93.68:5  100.00:1  100.00:1  100.00:1  100.00:1  100.00:1  100.00:1  100.00:1   99.76:2   99.65:3  100.00:1  100.00:1  100.00:1
Falling 15°     75.79:1   75.74:2   66.29:5   63.47:9   63.70:8   63.31:10  60.21:13  61.98:11  64.47:6   60.98:12  64.02:7   60.21:13  68.92:4   70.03:3
Falling 30°     75.42:1   68.02:2   57.79:5   52.90:9   52.93:8   52.70:10  50.73:12  52.37:11  55.27:6   49.10:13  53.65:7   50.73:12  58.12:4   61.57:3
Falling 45°     75.16:1   65.75:2   55.07:4   47.67:10  47.58:11  47.94:8   46.57:12  47.72:9   50.65:6   43.28:13  48.75:7   46.57:12  51.17:5   57.72:3
Falling 60°     70.96:1   69.13:2   56.47:4   47.50:10  47.04:11  47.74:8   47.50:10  47.61:9   51.16:5   43.28:12  48.13:7   47.50:10  49.16:6   57.62:3
Falling 75°     66.85:2   73.95:1   59.81:3   49.29:7   47.25:10  50.62:5   49.29:7   47.99:9   50.01:6   44.38:11  48.47:8   49.29:7   49.29:7   58.75:4
Raising 15°     90.86:1   11.11:11  14.43:8   15.95:6   13.24:10  17.25:4   14.30:9   15.41:7   16.70:5   17.68:3    9.99:12   5.47:13   5.47:13  19.71:2
Raising 30°     91.51:1    7.51:11  11.42:7   12.35:5    9.69:9   13.13:3   11.33:8    9.56:10  12.75:4   12.27:6    6.11:12   3.21:13   3.21:13  14.29:2
Raising 45°     84.61:1    5.46:11   8.68:7    9.25:5    7.30:9    9.79:3    8.63:8    6.63:10   9.57:4    8.85:6    4.22:12   2.30:13   2.30:13  10.52:2
Raising 60°     83.56:1    6.84:11  11.11:6   11.77:5    9.24:9   12.48:3   11.04:7    8.52:10  12.26:4    9.80:8    5.43:12   3.27:13   3.27:13  13.51:2
Raising 75°     74.67:1    7.24:11  12.34:6   13.02:5   10.12:8   13.87:3   12.25:7    9.19:9   13.60:4    8.87:10   6.01:12   4.09:13   4.09:13  14.96:2
Random          78.92:9   89.69:6   98.50:3   98.77:1   90.38:5   86.91:8   98.73:2   95.30:4   61.25:11  54.54:13  59.02:12  86.94:7   72.85:10  38.52:14
Replay          85.43:7   96.81:4   79.42:11  82.05:9   98.29:2   63.55:13  80.39:10  92.52:6   72.13:12  98.25:3   94.37:5   99.21:1   82.32:8   19.87:14
Saw             56.60:1   20.94:11  31.24:5   33.14:3   26.63:8   34.75:2   31.32:4   24.83:10  30.95:6   26.07:9   15.85:12   9.25:13   8.95:14  28.28:7
Square          73.38:11  87.23:5   88.40:4   91.27:2   89.06:3   91.58:1   84.09:7   84.76:6   56.75:13  76.56:9   79.01:8   76.27:10  59.41:12  23.32:14
Step            73.32:1    9.13:11  11.69:9   14.90:4   12.88:6   15.10:3   11.53:10  12.81:7   13.74:5   12.29:8    6.62:12   3.75:13   3.75:13  15.81:2

Algorithm ranking
  1. 78.44% - Acceleration
  2. 49.26% - Firefox
  3. 47.67% - Switch
  4. 46.46% - Window 20 1
  5. 45.33% - Smoothing 0.10
  6. 45.05% - LookBack 20
  7. 44.87% - Average
  8. 44.83% - Gravity
  9. 41.95% - Combined[ Average Immediate ]
 10. 41.62% - Exponential 1
 11. 40.58% - Slowness 1
 12. 40.50% - AveChangeLimit
 13. 38.89% - ImmChangeLimit
 14. 37.78% - Immediate

### Selecting algorithms ###

Pass `--list-algs` to see numbered list of available algorithms.  Then use
`--algs` to specify subset of algorithms.  Argument to `--algs` is a
comma-separated list of numbers or special value `*` (all algorithms) or an
empty string (default set of algorithms).

Some algorithms are considerably worse than others and enabling them by default
only clutters output and especially the plots.  Use `--algs \*` to enable all

$ ./etabench --list-algs
 1. Acceleration
 2. Average
 3. Firefox
 4. Gravity
 5. Immediate
 6. LookBack 20
 7. Smoothing 0.10
 8. Switch
 9. Window 20 1
10. AveChangeLimit
11. Combined[ Average Immediate ]
12. Exponential 1
13. ImmChangeLimit
14. Slowness 1
$ ./etabench --algs 4,7,12

### Selecting profiles ###

Similar to algorithms, but the options are called `--list-profs` and `--profs`
and no profiles are disabled by default.

$ ./etabench --list-profs
 1. Constant
 2. Falling 15°
 3. Falling 30°
 4. Falling 45°
 5. Falling 60°
 6. Falling 75°
 7. Raising 15°
 8. Raising 30°
 9. Raising 45°
10. Raising 60°
11. Raising 75°
12. Random
13. Replay
14. Saw
15. Square
16. Step
$ ./etabench --profs 12,13

### Plotting to separate files ###


$ ./etabench --plot plots

will create `plots` directory with a set of directories that correspond to the
set of profiles.  Each directory will contain a PNG plot and its `gnuplot`

### Plotting to a single file ###


$ ./etabench --montage montage.png

will do `--plos /some/temp/dir` and then combine result into a single PNG using
`montage` command from ImageMagick.

### Debugging ###

$ ./etabench --profs 6 --algs 4 --verbose

With [gdb]:
$ xmake f -m debug
$ xmake
$ gdb --args ./etabench --profs 6 --algs 4

### License ###

Version 3 of the GNU General Public License.

[xmake]: https://xmake.io/#/
[gnuplot]: http://www.gnuplot.info/
[ImageMagick]: https://imagemagick.org/
[gdb]: https://www.sourceware.org/gdb/

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