xaizek / etabench (License: GPLv3) (since 2022-09-08)
Benchmark for algorithms that compute I/O ETA
Commit 87be2e716fb4ad3b2ae1f5df56959a8b86c1bc3c

Update output in the README again
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2022-12-31 15:53
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2022-12-31 15:53
Parent(s): 38c79b052ff8a9c7163f05fa001102cf0d4a28d4
Signing key: 99DC5E4DB05F6BE2
Tree: bc498d9cb434f2b6f7d0d4a34e360da33605fab6
File Lines added Lines deleted
README.md 32 27
File README.md changed (mode: 100644) (index 367e9d3..68e54e0)
... ... installation of library dependencies, agree to continue the build.
24 24 process and can be run without arguments: process and can be run without arguments:
25 25
26 26 ``` ```
27 $ ./etabench
28 Profile \ Alg #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9
29 Constant 98.01:2 93.68:3 100.00:1 100.00:1 100.00:1 100.00:1 100.00:1 100.00:1 100.00:1
30 Falling 15° 75.79:1 75.74:2 66.29:4 63.47:6 63.70:5 63.31:7 60.21:9 61.98:8 70.03:3
31 Falling 30° 75.42:1 68.02:2 57.79:4 52.90:6 52.93:5 52.70:7 50.73:9 52.37:8 61.57:3
32 Falling 45° 75.16:1 65.75:2 55.07:4 47.67:7 47.58:8 47.94:5 46.57:9 47.72:6 57.72:3
33 Falling 60° 70.96:1 69.13:2 56.47:4 47.50:7 47.04:8 47.74:5 47.50:7 47.61:6 57.62:3
34 Falling 75° 66.85:2 73.95:1 59.81:3 49.29:6 47.25:8 50.62:5 49.29:6 47.99:7 58.75:4
35 Raising 15° 90.86:1 11.11:9 14.43:6 15.95:4 13.24:8 17.25:3 14.30:7 15.41:5 19.71:2
36 Raising 30° 91.51:1 7.51:9 11.42:5 12.35:4 9.69:7 13.13:3 11.33:6 9.56:8 14.29:2
37 Raising 45° 84.61:1 5.46:9 8.68:5 9.25:4 7.30:7 9.79:3 8.63:6 6.63:8 10.52:2
38 Raising 60° 83.56:1 6.84:9 11.11:5 11.77:4 9.24:7 12.48:3 11.04:6 8.52:8 13.51:2
39 Raising 75° 74.67:1 7.24:9 12.34:5 13.02:4 10.12:7 13.87:3 12.25:6 9.19:8 14.96:2
40 Random 78.92:8 89.69:6 98.50:3 98.77:1 90.38:5 86.91:7 98.73:2 95.30:4 38.52:9
41 Replay 85.43:4 96.81:2 79.42:7 82.05:5 98.29:1 63.55:8 80.39:6 92.52:3 19.87:9
42 Saw 56.60:1 20.94:9 31.24:5 33.14:3 26.63:7 34.75:2 31.32:4 24.83:8 28.28:6
43 Square 73.38:8 87.23:5 88.40:4 91.27:2 89.06:3 91.58:1 84.09:7 84.76:6 23.32:9
44 Step 73.32:1 9.13:9 11.69:7 14.90:4 12.88:5 15.10:3 11.53:8 12.81:6 15.81:2
27 $ ./etabench --algs \*
28 Profile \ Alg #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14
29 Constant 98.01:4 93.68:5 100.00:1 100.00:1 100.00:1 100.00:1 100.00:1 100.00:1 100.00:1 99.76:2 99.65:3 100.00:1 100.00:1 100.00:1
30 Falling 15° 75.79:1 75.74:2 66.29:5 63.47:9 63.70:8 63.31:10 60.21:13 61.98:11 64.47:6 60.98:12 64.02:7 60.21:13 68.92:4 70.03:3
31 Falling 30° 75.42:1 68.02:2 57.79:5 52.90:9 52.93:8 52.70:10 50.73:12 52.37:11 55.27:6 49.10:13 53.65:7 50.73:12 58.12:4 61.57:3
32 Falling 45° 75.16:1 65.75:2 55.07:4 47.67:10 47.58:11 47.94:8 46.57:12 47.72:9 50.65:6 43.28:13 48.75:7 46.57:12 51.17:5 57.72:3
33 Falling 60° 70.96:1 69.13:2 56.47:4 47.50:10 47.04:11 47.74:8 47.50:10 47.61:9 51.16:5 43.28:12 48.13:7 47.50:10 49.16:6 57.62:3
34 Falling 75° 66.85:2 73.95:1 59.81:3 49.29:7 47.25:10 50.62:5 49.29:7 47.99:9 50.01:6 44.38:11 48.47:8 49.29:7 49.29:7 58.75:4
35 Raising 15° 90.86:1 11.11:11 14.43:8 15.95:6 13.24:10 17.25:4 14.30:9 15.41:7 16.70:5 17.68:3 9.99:12 5.47:13 5.47:13 19.71:2
36 Raising 30° 91.51:1 7.51:11 11.42:7 12.35:5 9.69:9 13.13:3 11.33:8 9.56:10 12.75:4 12.27:6 6.11:12 3.21:13 3.21:13 14.29:2
37 Raising 45° 84.61:1 5.46:11 8.68:7 9.25:5 7.30:9 9.79:3 8.63:8 6.63:10 9.57:4 8.85:6 4.22:12 2.30:13 2.30:13 10.52:2
38 Raising 60° 83.56:1 6.84:11 11.11:6 11.77:5 9.24:9 12.48:3 11.04:7 8.52:10 12.26:4 9.80:8 5.43:12 3.27:13 3.27:13 13.51:2
39 Raising 75° 74.67:1 7.24:11 12.34:6 13.02:5 10.12:8 13.87:3 12.25:7 9.19:9 13.60:4 8.87:10 6.01:12 4.09:13 4.09:13 14.96:2
40 Random 78.92:9 89.69:6 98.50:3 98.77:1 90.38:5 86.91:8 98.73:2 95.30:4 61.25:11 54.54:13 59.02:12 86.94:7 72.85:10 38.52:14
41 Replay 85.43:7 96.81:4 79.42:11 82.05:9 98.29:2 63.55:13 80.39:10 92.52:6 72.13:12 98.25:3 94.37:5 99.21:1 82.32:8 19.87:14
42 Saw 56.60:1 20.94:11 31.24:5 33.14:3 26.63:8 34.75:2 31.32:4 24.83:10 30.95:6 26.07:9 15.85:12 9.25:13 8.95:14 28.28:7
43 Square 73.38:11 87.23:5 88.40:4 91.27:2 89.06:3 91.58:1 84.09:7 84.76:6 56.75:13 76.56:9 79.01:8 76.27:10 59.41:12 23.32:14
44 Step 73.32:1 9.13:11 11.69:9 14.90:4 12.88:6 15.10:3 11.53:10 12.81:7 13.74:5 12.29:8 6.62:12 3.75:13 3.75:13 15.81:2
45 45
46 46 Algorithm ranking Algorithm ranking
47 1. 78.44% - Acceleration
48 2. 49.26% - Firefox
49 3. 47.67% - Switch
50 4. 46.46% - Window 20 1
51 5. 45.33% - Smoothing 0.10
52 6. 45.05% - LookBack 20
53 7. 44.87% - Average
54 8. 44.83% - Gravity
55 9. 37.78% - Immediate
47 1. 78.44% - Acceleration
48 2. 49.26% - Firefox
49 3. 47.67% - Switch
50 4. 46.46% - Window 20 1
51 5. 45.33% - Smoothing 0.10
52 6. 45.05% - LookBack 20
53 7. 44.87% - Average
54 8. 44.83% - Gravity
55 9. 41.95% - Combined[ Average Immediate ]
56 10. 41.62% - Exponential 1
57 11. 40.58% - Slowness 1
58 12. 40.50% - AveChangeLimit
59 13. 38.89% - ImmChangeLimit
60 14. 37.78% - Immediate
56 61 ``` ```
57 62
58 63 ### Selecting algorithms ### ### Selecting algorithms ###

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