xaizek / dotvim (License: Unspecified) (since 2018-12-07)
Vim configuration and plugins.
Commit e67d503b42d793472411d709cbebd77cd36efa36

*map => *noremap where was absent
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2020-02-17 14:02
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2020-02-17 14:02
Parent(s): 7950b056bcc6a97e4568101ec57e0a7fe65af290
Signing key: 99DC5E4DB05F6BE2
Tree: ecb056141fd074aa262875563d1eb5a4d8aa23a4
File Lines added Lines deleted
vimrc 49 49
File vimrc changed (mode: 100644) (index 46a551b..4ff4113)
... ... autocmd BufReadPost,BufEnter,BufWinEnter,WinEnter *
149 149 \ elseif !&modifiable | \ elseif !&modifiable |
150 150 \ elseif &readonly | \ elseif &readonly |
151 151 \ else | \ else |
152 \ nmap <buffer> <expr> <cr> MyEnter() |
152 \ nnoremap <buffer> <expr> <cr> MyEnter() |
153 153 \ endif \ endif
154 154 function! MyEnter() function! MyEnter()
155 155 if &filetype == 'qf' if &filetype == 'qf'
... ... endfunction
168 168 " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
169 169 " improved A normal mode key " improved A normal mode key
170 170
171 nmap <expr> A libedit#adva#AdvancedA()
171 nnoremap <expr> A libedit#adva#AdvancedA()
172 172
173 173 " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
174 174 " text paste motion " text paste motion
... ... if executable('par')
237 237 endif endif
238 238
239 239 " keys to insert empty lines above/below current line in normal mode " keys to insert empty lines above/below current line in normal mode
240 nmap <leader>f o<esc>
241 nmap <leader>F O<esc>
240 nnoremap <leader>f o<esc>
241 nnoremap <leader>F O<esc>
242 242
243 243 " ============================================================================== " ==============================================================================
244 244 " programming " programming
... ... nmap <leader>F O<esc>
247 247 " custom tag jumps " custom tag jumps
248 248
249 249 " on each next <c-]> press jumps to next tag with same name " on each next <c-]> press jumps to next tag with same name
250 nmap <silent> <c-]> :silent! call <SID>CallTagJump()<cr>
250 nnoremap <silent> <c-]> :silent! call <SID>CallTagJump()<cr>
251 251
252 252 function! <SID>CallTagJump() function! <SID>CallTagJump()
253 253 if &ft == 'help' if &ft == 'help'
... ... autocmd BufLeave,BufWinLeave,WinLeave,BufDelete * call libprj#prj#Do('.out.vim')
316 316 " imap <c-space> <c-x><c-u> " imap <c-space> <c-x><c-u>
317 317
318 318 " rename operations on <leader>r " rename operations on <leader>r
319 nmap <leader>rr mr:silent! %s/\C\<<c-r><c-w>\>//g\|normal 'r<left><left><left>
320 \<left><left><left><left><left><left><left><left><left>
321 nmap <leader>rf :silent! call ExecInFuncBody('s/\C\<<c-r><c-w>\>//g')<left>
319 nnoremap <leader>rr mr:silent! %s/\C\<<c-r><c-w>\>//g\|normal 'r<left><left>
320 \<left><left><left><left><left><left><left><left><left><left>
321 nnoremap <leader>rf :silent! call ExecInFuncBody('s/\C\<<c-r><c-w>\>//g')<left>
322 322 \<left><left><left> \<left><left><left>
323 nmap <leader>rt :silent! tabdo %s/\C\<<c-r><c-w>\>//g<left><left>
324 nmap <leader>rb :silent! bufdo %s/\C\<<c-r><c-w>\>//g<left><left>
323 nnoremap <leader>rt :silent! tabdo %s/\C\<<c-r><c-w>\>//g<left><left>
324 nnoremap <leader>rb :silent! bufdo %s/\C\<<c-r><c-w>\>//g<left><left>
325 325
326 326 " show/hide QuickFix window " show/hide QuickFix window
327 327 "nmap <leader>c :copen<cr> "nmap <leader>c :copen<cr>
... ... set splitbelow
558 558 filetype plugin indent on filetype plugin indent on
559 559
560 560 " correct Y key " correct Y key
561 nmap Y y$
561 nnoremap Y y$
562 562
563 563 " map _= to buffer indentation " map _= to buffer indentation
564 nmap <silent> _= :call <SID>PreserveAndRun('normal gg=G')<cr>
564 nnoremap <silent> _= :call <SID>PreserveAndRun('normal gg=G')<cr>
565 565
566 566 " map _$ to removing all ending whitespaces " map _$ to removing all ending whitespaces
567 nmap <silent> _$ :call <SID>PreserveAndRun('%s/\s\+$//e')<cr>
567 nnoremap <silent> _$ :call <SID>PreserveAndRun('%s/\s\+$//e')<cr>
568 568
569 569 " use Ctrl-N/P to switch between tabs " use Ctrl-N/P to switch between tabs
570 570 nnoremap <c-n> gt nnoremap <c-n> gt
... ... inoremap <s-insert> <c-r>*
578 578 cnoremap <s-insert> <c-r>* cnoremap <s-insert> <c-r>*
579 579
580 580 " toggle line wrapping on <leader>w " toggle line wrapping on <leader>w
581 nmap <leader>w :set wrap!<cr>
581 nnoremap <leader>w :set wrap!<cr>
582 582
583 583 " automatically reread Vim's configuration after writing it " automatically reread Vim's configuration after writing it
584 584 autocmd! BufWritePost $MYVIMRC source $MYVIMRC autocmd! BufWritePost $MYVIMRC source $MYVIMRC
... ... nnoremap ` '
625 625 nnoremap <silent> <leader>h :call libcfg#opt#ToggleHlsearch()<cr> nnoremap <silent> <leader>h :call libcfg#opt#ToggleHlsearch()<cr>
626 626 " these lines are needed for highlight enabling " these lines are needed for highlight enabling
627 627 nnoremap ,* * nnoremap ,* *
628 nmap * :set hlsearch<cr>,*
628 nnoremap * :set hlsearch<cr>,*
629 629 nnoremap ,# # nnoremap ,# #
630 nmap # :set hlsearch<cr>,#
630 nnoremap # :set hlsearch<cr>,#
631 631
632 632 " smart case policy on search " smart case policy on search
633 633 set ignorecase set ignorecase
... ... endfunction
974 974 " ============================================================================== " ==============================================================================
975 975 " don't let me use "wrong" keys " don't let me use "wrong" keys
976 976
977 imap <silent> <up> <nop>
978 imap <silent> <down> <nop>
979 imap <silent> <left> <nop>
980 imap <silent> <right> <nop>
981 imap <silent> <home> <nop>
982 imap <silent> <end> <nop>
983 imap <silent> <pageup> <nop>
984 imap <silent> <pagedown> <nop>
985 imap <silent> <c-home> <nop>
986 imap <silent> <c-end> <nop>
987 imap <silent> <del> <nop>
988 nmap <silent> <up> <nop>
989 nmap <silent> <down> <nop>
990 nmap <silent> <left> <nop>
991 nmap <silent> <right> <nop>
992 nmap <silent> <home> <nop>
993 nmap <silent> <end> <nop>
994 nmap <silent> <pageup> <nop>
995 nmap <silent> <pagedown> <nop>
996 nmap <silent> <c-home> <nop>
997 nmap <silent> <c-end> <nop>
998 nmap <silent> <del> <nop>
999 vmap <silent> <up> <nop>
1000 vmap <silent> <down> <nop>
1001 vmap <silent> <left> <nop>
1002 vmap <silent> <right> <nop>
1003 vmap <silent> <home> <nop>
1004 vmap <silent> <end> <nop>
1005 vmap <silent> <pageup> <nop>
1006 vmap <silent> <pagedown> <nop>
1007 vmap <silent> <c-home> <nop>
1008 vmap <silent> <c-end> <nop>
1009 vmap <silent> <del> <nop>
977 inoremap <silent> <up> <nop>
978 inoremap <silent> <down> <nop>
979 inoremap <silent> <left> <nop>
980 inoremap <silent> <right> <nop>
981 inoremap <silent> <home> <nop>
982 inoremap <silent> <end> <nop>
983 inoremap <silent> <pageup> <nop>
984 inoremap <silent> <pagedown> <nop>
985 inoremap <silent> <c-home> <nop>
986 inoremap <silent> <c-end> <nop>
987 inoremap <silent> <del> <nop>
988 nnoremap <silent> <up> <nop>
989 nnoremap <silent> <down> <nop>
990 nnoremap <silent> <left> <nop>
991 nnoremap <silent> <right> <nop>
992 nnoremap <silent> <home> <nop>
993 nnoremap <silent> <end> <nop>
994 nnoremap <silent> <pageup> <nop>
995 nnoremap <silent> <pagedown> <nop>
996 nnoremap <silent> <c-home> <nop>
997 nnoremap <silent> <c-end> <nop>
998 nnoremap <silent> <del> <nop>
999 vnoremap <silent> <up> <nop>
1000 vnoremap <silent> <down> <nop>
1001 vnoremap <silent> <left> <nop>
1002 vnoremap <silent> <right> <nop>
1003 vnoremap <silent> <home> <nop>
1004 vnoremap <silent> <end> <nop>
1005 vnoremap <silent> <pageup> <nop>
1006 vnoremap <silent> <pagedown> <nop>
1007 vnoremap <silent> <c-home> <nop>
1008 vnoremap <silent> <c-end> <nop>
1009 vnoremap <silent> <del> <nop>
1010 1010
1011 1011 " ============================================================================== " ==============================================================================
1012 1012 " load machine specific local set of settings " load machine specific local set of settings

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