Commit f68134a4b5533ebaa325f4f0e30265876e9a49c8

Add mappings for switching and moving tabs
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2018-12-15 22:29
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2018-12-15 22:29
Parent(s): 1aeded0baa5c7714de172f5d252e026358374b66
Signing key: 99DC5E4DB05F6BE2
Tree: ec2adcbd6705a98f14480ebbe8d015b93a0524c8
File Lines added Lines deleted
vifmrc 22 0
File vifmrc changed (mode: 100644) (index 5c079ec..096b647)
... ... nnoremap ,b :set viewcolumns=*{name}..,6{}.<cr>
230 230 " detailed information about files " detailed information about files
231 231 nnoremap ,d :set viewcolumns=*{name}.,10{perms},12{uname},-7{gname},10{size}.,20{mtime}<cr> nnoremap ,d :set viewcolumns=*{name}.,10{perms},12{uname},-7{gname},10{size}.,20{mtime}<cr>
232 232
233 " ==============================================================================
234 " tabs
236 " go to previous tab page or move current tab page to position specified by the
237 " count
238 nnoremap <silent> gT : <c-u>
239 \| if v:count == 0
240 \| execute 'normal gT'
241 \| elseif v:count > tabpagenr('$')
242 \| tabmove
243 \| elseif v:count >= tabpagenr()
244 \| execute 'tabmove' v:count
245 \| elseif v:count < tabpagenr()
246 \| execute 'tabmove' v:count - 1
247 \| endif
248 \| <cr>
250 " switch to the next tab page
251 nnoremap <c-n> gt
252 " switch to the previous tab page
253 nnoremap <c-p> gT
233 255 " ============================================================================== " ==============================================================================
234 256 " general bookmarks " general bookmarks
235 257

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