Commit 471ce29c89b1882c5122c7e05a1a7ecefb64cd25

Introduce vifmrc_settings file
Place to set `$VIFMRC_HAS_*` variables.

Also update README a bit.
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2018-12-15 22:43
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2018-12-16 12:11
Parent(s): f68134a4b5533ebaa325f4f0e30265876e9a49c8
Signing key: 99DC5E4DB05F6BE2
Tree: 2debf944a7864dbdc11cab5be8badac0848d68f7
File Lines added Lines deleted
.gitignore 1 0 10 6
vifmrc 6 0
File .gitignore changed (mode: 100644) (index e3974b9..68f6193)
2 2 /log /log
3 3 /vifminfo /vifminfo
4 4 /vimfiles /vimfiles
5 /vifmrc_settings
5 6 /vifmrc_local /vifmrc_local
File changed (mode: 100644) (index 8d502b3..2c4c21b)
1 ## Install
1 ## Install ##
2 2
3 3 ```bash ```bash
4 git clone ~/.vifm
4 git clone $URL ~/.vifm
5 5 ``` ```
6 6
7 ## Machine-specific configuration
7 ## Machine-specific configuration ##
8 8
9 All local settings should be placed in `~/.vifm/vifmrc_local` file, which is
10 assumed to exist. It might be empty, but it's better to have it anyway as it
11 prevents vifm from displaying errors on the status bar.
9 All local settings should be kept in two files:
11 * `$VIFM/vifmrc_settings` -- place to set `$VIFMRC_HAS_*` variables
12 * `$VIFM/vifmrc_local` -- place to do additional configuration
14 Both files are assumed to exist. They might be empty, but it's better to have
15 them anyway as it prevents vifm from displaying errors on the status bar.
File vifmrc changed (mode: 100644) (index 096b647..a366bae)
1 1 " vim: set textwidth=80 syntax+=.autofold : " vim: set textwidth=80 syntax+=.autofold :
2 2
3 " ==============================================================================
4 " load machine specific settings of configuration
7 source $VIFM/vifmrc_settings
3 9 " ============================================================================== " ==============================================================================
4 10 " nesting detection " nesting detection
5 11

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