Commit 386c4fe00247c3256507862d8f681019796717c2

Display powerline in statusline if possible
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2018-12-16 12:10
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2018-12-16 12:11
Parent(s): e6cbfe3fd440af698ab7c01d70882b512c11c477
Signing key: 99DC5E4DB05F6BE2
Tree: 153a854afd6c4210af5673c1a3944f424e8465e7
File Lines added Lines deleted
colors/near-default.vifm 6 0
vifmrc 27 4
File colors/near-default.vifm changed (mode: 100644) (index fa16345..f869c37)
... ... highlight Executable cterm=bold ctermfg=119 ctermbg=default
34 34 highlight Selected cterm=bold ctermfg=213 ctermbg=default highlight Selected cterm=bold ctermfg=213 ctermbg=default
35 35 highlight CmpMismatch cterm=bold ctermfg=white ctermbg=88 highlight CmpMismatch cterm=bold ctermfg=white ctermbg=88
36 36
37 " for powerline in statusline
38 highlight User1 ctermbg=white
39 highlight User2 ctermbg=240 ctermfg=231 cterm=bold
40 highlight User3 ctermbg=240 ctermfg=white
41 highlight User4 ctermbg=white ctermfg=240
37 43 " software documentation " software documentation
File vifmrc changed (mode: 100644) (index 82301b4..85ae910)
... ... source $VIFM/vifmrc_settings
10 10 " nesting detection " nesting detection
11 11
12 12 if $INSIDE_VIFM != '' if $INSIDE_VIFM != ''
13 let $SL_PREFIX = '[V] |'
13 let $SL_PREFIX = 'vifm '
14 14 else else
15 15 if $PS1 != '' if $PS1 != ''
16 let $SL_PREFIX = '[b] |'
16 let $SL_PREFIX = 'bash '
17 17 endif endif
18 18 let $INSIDE_VIFM = 'true' let $INSIDE_VIFM = 'true'
19 19 endif endif
... ... set fusehome=~/.vifm/.fuse
127 127
128 128 " don't display file user/group on Windows " don't display file user/group on Windows
129 129 if !has('win') if !has('win')
130 let $RIGHTS = '%10u:%-7g '
130 let $RIGHTS = '%[%u:%g%]'
131 131 endif endif
132 132
133 execute 'set' 'statusline=" '.$SL_PREFIX.' %t%= %A '.$RIGHTS.'%15E %20d "'
134 let &statusline = ''
135 if $SL_PREFIX != ''
136 let &statusline = '%2*'.$SL_PREFIX.'%4*'
137 endif
138 let &statusline .= '%1*' " left separator
139 let &statusline .= ' %t ' " file name
140 let &statusline .= '' " left separator
141 let &statusline .= '%=' " fill the whole status line
142 let &statusline .= '' " right separator
143 let &statusline .= ' %A ' " file attributes
144 let &statusline .= '%4*%2*' " right separator
145 let &statusline .= ' '.$RIGHTS.' ' " user and group owners of the file
146 let &statusline .= '%3*%1*' " right separator
147 let &statusline .= ' %5E ' " human readable cumulative file size
148 let &statusline .= '%4*%2*' " right separator
149 let &statusline .= ' %d ' " file modification date and time
150 else
151 let &statusline = ' '
152 if $SL_PREFIX != ''
153 let &statusline .= $SL_PREFIX.'| '
154 endif
155 let &statusline .= '%t%= %A '.$RIGHTS.'%15E %20d '
156 endif
134 157
135 158 " ============================================================================== " ==============================================================================
136 159 " various mappings " various mappings

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