xaizek / dit (License: GPLv3) (since 2018-12-07)
Command-line task keeper that remembers all old values and is meant to combine several orthogonal features to be rather flexible in managing items.
<root> / INSTALL.md (eaaef04593ef3e361d6f68d78026c6cf9c532095) (1,403B) (mode 100644) [raw]
### Building ###

#### Defaults ####

By default debug version is build right in the source tree.

#### Targets ####

* `debug`
Builds debug version in `debug/`.

* `release`
Builds release version in `release/`.

* `man`
Builds manual page in `<out>/docs/dit.1`, requires `pandoc`.

* `coverage`
Builds coverage in `coverage/` putting report in `coverage/data/`.  Requires
`uncov` to be installed.

* `check`
Builds and runs tests.  Combine with `debug` or `release` to build and run tests
in that configuration.

* `clean`
Removes build artifacts for all configurations.

* `install`
Builds the application in release mode (`release` target) and installs it.
`DESTDIR` can be set to point to root of the installation directory.

* `install-docs`
Builds man page (`man` target) and installs it.
`DESTDIR` can be set to point to root of the installation directory.

* `uninstall`
Removes executable and man page.

#### Documentation ####

Building a man-page requires `pandoc` to be installed.

### Installation ###

A regular installation under `/usr/bin` can be done like this:

make install install-docs

Installation into custom directory (e.g. to make a package):

make DESTDIR=$PWD/build install install-docs

### Uninstallation ###

Similar to installation, but using `uninstall` target:

make uninstall

Or for custom location:

make DESTDIR=$PWD/build uninstall

Before first commit, do not forget to setup your git environment:
git config --global user.name "your_name_here"
git config --global user.email "your@email_here"

Clone this repository using HTTP(S):
git clone https://code.reversed.top/user/xaizek/dit

Clone this repository using ssh (do not forget to upload a key first):
git clone ssh://rocketgit@code.reversed.top/user/xaizek/dit

You are allowed to anonymously push to this repository.
This means that your pushed commits will automatically be transformed into a pull request:
... clone the repository ...
... make some changes and some commits ...
git push origin master