xaizek / dit (License: GPLv3) (since 2018-12-07)
Command-line task keeper that remembers all old values and is meant to combine several orthogonal features to be rather flexible in managing items.
<root> / src / decoration.hpp (8e6fdc6a6cfb2b8fdccd614921776048be99f242) (4,481B) (mode 100644) [raw]
// Copyright (C) 2015 xaizek <xaizek@openmailbox.org>
// This file is part of dit.
// dit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// dit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with dit.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


#include <iosfwd>

#include "utils/Passkey.hpp"

class Tests;

 * @brief Terminal control manipulators for output streams.
 * Usage example:
 * @code
 * std::cout << decor::bold << "This is bold text." << decor::def;
 * @endcode
namespace decor {

 * @{
 * @name Generic attributes

 * @brief Convenient attribute that does nothing.
 * @param os Stream to operate on.
 * @returns @p os
std::ostream & none(std::ostream &os);
 * @brief Enables bold attribute.
 * @param os Stream to operate on.
 * @returns @p os
std::ostream & bold(std::ostream &os);
 * @brief Enables color inversion attribute.
 * @param os Stream to operate on.
 * @returns @p os
std::ostream & inv(std::ostream &os);
 * @brief Restores default attribute of the stream.
 * @param os Stream to operate on.
 * @returns @p os
std::ostream & def(std::ostream &os);

 * @}
 * @{
 * @name Foreground colors

 * @brief Picks black as foreground color.
 * @param os Stream to operate on.
 * @returns @p os
std::ostream & black_fg(std::ostream &os);
 * @brief Picks red as foreground color.
 * @param os Stream to operate on.
 * @returns @p os
std::ostream & red_fg(std::ostream &os);
 * @brief Picks green as foreground color.
 * @param os Stream to operate on.
 * @returns @p os
std::ostream & green_fg(std::ostream &os);
 * @brief Picks yellow as foreground color.
 * @param os Stream to operate on.
 * @returns @p os
std::ostream & yellow_fg(std::ostream &os);
 * @brief Picks blue as foreground color.
 * @param os Stream to operate on.
 * @returns @p os
std::ostream & blue_fg(std::ostream &os);
 * @brief Picks magenta as foreground color.
 * @param os Stream to operate on.
 * @returns @p os
std::ostream & magenta_fg(std::ostream &os);
 * @brief Picks cyan as foreground color.
 * @param os Stream to operate on.
 * @returns @p os
std::ostream & cyan_fg(std::ostream &os);
 * @brief Picks white as foreground color.
 * @param os Stream to operate on.
 * @returns @p os
std::ostream & white_fg(std::ostream &os);

 * @}
 * @{
 * @name Background colors

 * @brief Picks black as foreground color.
 * @param os Stream to operate on.
 * @returns @p os
std::ostream & black_bg(std::ostream &os);
 * @brief Picks red as foreground color.
 * @param os Stream to operate on.
 * @returns @p os
std::ostream & red_bg(std::ostream &os);
 * @brief Picks green as foreground color.
 * @param os Stream to operate on.
 * @returns @p os
std::ostream & green_bg(std::ostream &os);
 * @brief Picks yellow as foreground color.
 * @param os Stream to operate on.
 * @returns @p os
std::ostream & yellow_bg(std::ostream &os);
 * @brief Picks blue as foreground color.
 * @param os Stream to operate on.
 * @returns @p os
std::ostream & blue_bg(std::ostream &os);
 * @brief Picks magenta as foreground color.
 * @param os Stream to operate on.
 * @returns @p os
std::ostream & magenta_bg(std::ostream &os);
 * @brief Picks cyan as foreground color.
 * @param os Stream to operate on.
 * @returns @p os
std::ostream & cyan_bg(std::ostream &os);
 * @brief Picks white as foreground color.
 * @param os Stream to operate on.
 * @returns @p os
std::ostream & white_bg(std::ostream &os);

 * @}
 * @{
 * @name Control

 * @brief Controls state of decorations.
 * @param enabled Whether decorations should be enabled or do nothing.
void setEnabled(bool enabled, pk<Tests>);

 * @}



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