xaizek / dit (License: GPLv3) (since 2018-12-07)
Command-line task keeper that remembers all old values and is meant to combine several orthogonal features to be rather flexible in managing items.
<root> / docs / 06-command-list.md (c421cb3587a32dc45d1dd26065853dc808cb6d0a) (2,737B) (mode 100644) [raw]


Adds new item.

**Usage: add \<list of fields\>**

Creates new item filling it with specified entries.


Verifies project state.

**Usage: check**

Checks that storage files and their content are meaningful.  Prints out errors
if something is wrong and exits with non-zero exit code.


Command-line completion helper for shells.

**Usage: complete \<regular args\>**

Takes normal command-line with trailing *::cursor::* designating cursor
position.  The marker is needed to complete empty argument, which otherwise
might be dropped by the shell on invocation.


Displays/updates configuration.

**Usage: config [--help] [--global] \<list of fields\>**

**--help** causes option summary to be printed.

**--global** switches operations to act on global configuration, whereas by
default project-specific configuration is processed.

When invoked without arguments, all values are displayed.

When invoked with at least one argument:

 - Keys without values are displayed.
 - Keys with values are updated.  Setting is removed on assigning it empty

Special value **-** can be used to request spawning external editor.


Invokes external script passing item data via argument list.

**Usage: export (-|cmd) \<list of conditions\>**

Invokes **cmd key1=value1 key2=value2** for each item that matches given list
of conditions or prints out items to standard output with **key=value** fields
terminated by null character and each item also finished by null character.


Provides help information.

**Usage: help [command]**

Without arguments displays summary of available commands.

With argument displays summary on that command.


Displays item changes.

**Usage: log \<item id\> [key...]**

Displays information about item changes (from oldest to newest) either for all
fields (if only item id is specified) or just for the specified ones.


Lists items.

**Usage: ls \<list of conditions\>**

Print table of items that match the list of conditions.

Affected by: **ui.ls.fmt**, **ui.ls.sort**, **ui.ls.color**.


Create new project.

**Usage: new \<project name\>**

Initializes new project.


Lists projects.

**Usage: projects**

Lists projects along with their descriptions (**prj.descr**).  Picked project is
marked with a star (\*).


Rename project.

**Usage: rename \<old name\> \<new name\>**

Renames existing project.


Changes items.

**Usage: set \<item id\> \<list of fields\>**

Updates entries of existing item.


Displays items.

**Usage: show \<item id\>**

Prints entries of specified item.

Affected by: **ui.show.order**.

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git config --global user.name "your_name_here"
git config --global user.email "your@email_here"

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