xaizek / dit (License: GPLv3) (since 2018-12-07)
Command-line task keeper that remembers all old values and is meant to combine several orthogonal features to be rather flexible in managing items.
<root> / tests / cmds / LogCmd.cpp (ed01e236908ec81d5ba96d084dff889e77027197) (10KiB) (mode 100644) [raw]
// Copyright (C) 2016 xaizek <xaizek@posteo.net>
// This file is part of dit.
// dit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// dit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with dit.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include "Catch/catch.hpp"

#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>

#include <cstdlib>

#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>

#include "utils/strings.hpp"
#include "Change.hpp"
#include "Command.hpp"
#include "Commands.hpp"
#include "Item.hpp"
#include "Project.hpp"

#include "Tests.hpp"

TEST_CASE("Log fails on wrong invocation", "[cmds][log][invocation]")
    std::unique_ptr<Project> prj = Tests::makeProject();
    Command *const cmd = Commands::get("log");

    std::ostringstream out, err;
    Tests::setStreams(out, err);

    boost::optional<int> exitCode;

    SECTION("Fails on zero arguments")
        exitCode = cmd->run(*prj, { });
        REQUIRE(*exitCode == EXIT_FAILURE);
        REQUIRE(out.str() == std::string());
        REQUIRE(err.str() != std::string());

    SECTION("Wrong id")
        REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(cmd->run(*prj, { "asdf" }),
                          const std::runtime_error &);

TEST_CASE("Log handles options", "[cmds][log][invocation]")
    std::unique_ptr<Project> prj = Tests::makeProject();
    Command *const cmd = Commands::get("log");

    std::ostringstream out, err;
    Tests::setStreams(out, err);

    boost::optional<int> exitCode;

        exitCode = cmd->run(*prj, { "--help" });
        REQUIRE(*exitCode == EXIT_SUCCESS);
        REQUIRE(out.str() != std::string());
        REQUIRE(err.str() == std::string());

        Item item = Tests::makeItem("id");
        item.setValue("title", "something");
        Storage &storage = prj->getStorage();
        Tests::storeItem(storage, std::move(item));

        exitCode = cmd->run(*prj, { "id" });
        REQUIRE(*exitCode == EXIT_SUCCESS);

        const std::string withoutTimestamps = out.str();

        exitCode = cmd->run(*prj, { "--timestamps", "id" });
        REQUIRE(*exitCode == EXIT_SUCCESS);

        REQUIRE(out.str() != withoutTimestamps);

TEST_CASE("Log filters fields", "[cmds][log]")
    std::unique_ptr<Project> prj = Tests::makeProject();
    Command *const cmd = Commands::get("log");
    Storage &storage = prj->getStorage();

    std::ostringstream out, err;
    Tests::setStreams(out, err);

    Item item = Tests::makeItem("id");
    item.setValue("title", "something");
    item.setValue("bug_number", "22");
    Tests::storeItem(storage, std::move(item));

    boost::optional<int> exitCode = cmd->run(*prj, { "id", "title" });
    REQUIRE(*exitCode == EXIT_SUCCESS);

    const std::vector<std::string> lines = split(out.str(), '\n');
    REQUIRE(boost::starts_with(lines[0], "title created:"));
    REQUIRE(lines[1] == std::string());
    REQUIRE(err.str() == std::string());

TEST_CASE("Log displays operations correctly", "[cmds][log]")
    std::unique_ptr<Project> prj = Tests::makeProject();
    Command *const cmd = Commands::get("log");
    Storage &storage = prj->getStorage();

    std::ostringstream out, err;
    Tests::setStreams(out, err);

    std::time_t t = std::time(nullptr);
    MockTimeSource timeMock([&t](){ return t++; });

        Item item = Tests::makeItem("id");
        item.setValue("bug_number", "22");
        Tests::storeItem(storage, std::move(item));

        boost::optional<int> exitCode = cmd->run(*prj, { "id" });
        REQUIRE(*exitCode == EXIT_SUCCESS);

        REQUIRE(boost::starts_with(split(out.str(), '\n')[0],
                                   "bug_number created:"));
        REQUIRE(err.str() == std::string());

        Item item = Tests::makeItem("id");
        item.setValue("bug_number", "22");
        item.setValue("bug_number", "");
        Tests::storeItem(storage, std::move(item));

        boost::optional<int> exitCode = cmd->run(*prj, { "id" });
        REQUIRE(*exitCode == EXIT_SUCCESS);

        REQUIRE(boost::starts_with(split(out.str(), '\n')[1],
                                   "bug_number deleted"));
        REQUIRE(err.str() == std::string());

        Item item = Tests::makeItem("id");
        item.setValue("bug_number", "22");
        item.setValue("bug_number", "21");
        Tests::storeItem(storage, std::move(item));

        boost::optional<int> exitCode = cmd->run(*prj, { "id" });
        REQUIRE(*exitCode == EXIT_SUCCESS);

        REQUIRE(boost::starts_with(split(out.str(), '\n')[1],
                                   "bug_number changed"));
        REQUIRE(err.str() == std::string());

TEST_CASE("Log produces diffs", "[cmds][log]")
    std::unique_ptr<Project> prj = Tests::makeProject();
    Command *const cmd = Commands::get("log");
    Storage &storage = prj->getStorage();

    std::ostringstream out, err;
    Tests::setStreams(out, err);

    std::time_t t = std::time(nullptr);
    MockTimeSource timeMock([&t](){ return t++; });

    SECTION("Runs of identical lines are folded with single-line context")
        Item item = Tests::makeItem("id");
        item.setValue("title", "a\nb\nc\nd\ne");
        item.setValue("title", "a\nb\nc\nd\nf");
        Tests::storeItem(storage, std::move(item));

        boost::optional<int> exitCode = cmd->run(*prj, { "id" });
        REQUIRE(*exitCode == EXIT_SUCCESS);

        const std::vector<std::string> lines = split(out.str(), '\n');
        REQUIRE(boost::starts_with(lines[6], "title changed:"));
        REQUIRE(lines[7] == "  a");
        REQUIRE(boost::starts_with(lines[8], "<2"));
        REQUIRE(lines[9] == "  d");
        REQUIRE(lines[10] == "- e");
        REQUIRE(lines[11] == "+ f");
        REQUIRE(err.str() == std::string());

    SECTION("Runs of identical lines are folded with single-line context")
        Item item = Tests::makeItem("id");
        item.setValue("title", "a");
        item.setValue("title", "0\na");
        Tests::storeItem(storage, std::move(item));

        boost::optional<int> exitCode = cmd->run(*prj, { "id" });
        REQUIRE(*exitCode == EXIT_SUCCESS);

        const std::vector<std::string> lines = split(out.str(), '\n');
        REQUIRE(boost::starts_with(lines[1], "title changed:"));
        REQUIRE(lines[2] == "+ 0");
        REQUIRE(err.str() == std::string());

TEST_CASE("Completion of id for log", "[cmds][log][completion]")
    std::unique_ptr<Project> prj = Tests::makeProject();
    Storage &storage = prj->getStorage();

    Item item = Tests::makeItem("id");

    Tests::storeItem(storage, std::move(item));

    Command *const cmd = Commands::get("log");

    std::ostringstream out, err;
    Tests::setStreams(out, err);

    boost::optional<int> exitCode = cmd->complete(*prj, { "i" });
    REQUIRE(*exitCode == EXIT_SUCCESS);

    const std::string expectedOut =
    REQUIRE(out.str() == expectedOut);
    REQUIRE(err.str() == std::string());

TEST_CASE("Completion of field name for log", "[cmds][log][completion]")
    std::unique_ptr<Project> prj = Tests::makeProject();
    Storage &storage = prj->getStorage();

    Item item = Tests::makeItem("id");
    item.setValue("title", "title");
    item.setValue("bug_number", "22");

    Tests::storeItem(storage, std::move(item));

    Command *const cmd = Commands::get("log");

    std::ostringstream out, err;
    Tests::setStreams(out, err);

    std::string expectedOut =

    SECTION("Wrong id produces error")
        boost::optional<int> exitCode = cmd->complete(*prj, { "idd", "ti" });
        REQUIRE(*exitCode == EXIT_FAILURE);

    SECTION("First filter value")
        boost::optional<int> exitCode = cmd->complete(*prj, { "id", "ti" });
        REQUIRE(*exitCode == EXIT_SUCCESS);

        expectedOut +=

    SECTION("Second filter value")
        boost::optional<int> exitCode = cmd->complete(*prj,
                                                      { "id", "title", "b" });
        REQUIRE(*exitCode == EXIT_SUCCESS);

        expectedOut += "bug_number\n";

    REQUIRE(out.str() == expectedOut);
    REQUIRE(err.str() == std::string());

TEST_CASE("Log completes options", "[cmds][log][completion]")

    Command *const cmd = Commands::get("log");

    std::unique_ptr<Project> prj = Tests::makeProject();
    Storage &storage = prj->getStorage();

    Item item = Tests::makeItem("id");
    Tests::storeItem(storage, std::move(item));

    Config &cfg = prj->getConfig(false);
    cfg.set("ui.ls", "ls-value");

    std::ostringstream out, err;
    Tests::setStreams(out, err);

    boost::optional<int> exitCode = cmd->complete(*prj, { "-" });
    REQUIRE(*exitCode == EXIT_SUCCESS);

    const std::string expectedOut =
    REQUIRE(out.str() == expectedOut);
    REQUIRE(err.str() == std::string());

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