xaizek / dit (License: GPLv3) (since 2018-12-07)
Command-line task keeper that remembers all old values and is meant to combine several orthogonal features to be rather flexible in managing items.
<root> / tests / Catch / internal / catch_assertionresult.h (99b3a7c3beb0d5bd4a336da2bf380df4f9c6c26b) (2,347B) (mode 100644) [raw]
 *  Created by Phil on 28/10/2010.
 *  Copyright 2010 Two Blue Cubes Ltd. All rights reserved.
 *  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
 *  file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)

#include <string>
#include "catch_result_type.h"

namespace Catch {

    struct AssertionInfo
        AssertionInfo() {}
        AssertionInfo(  std::string const& _macroName,
                        SourceLineInfo const& _lineInfo,
                        std::string const& _capturedExpression,
                        ResultDisposition::Flags _resultDisposition );

        std::string macroName;
        SourceLineInfo lineInfo;
        std::string capturedExpression;
        ResultDisposition::Flags resultDisposition;

    struct AssertionResultData
        AssertionResultData() : resultType( ResultWas::Unknown ) {}

        std::string reconstructedExpression;
        std::string message;
        ResultWas::OfType resultType;

    class AssertionResult {
        AssertionResult( AssertionInfo const& info, AssertionResultData const& data );
         AssertionResult( AssertionResult const& )              = default;
         AssertionResult( AssertionResult && )                  = default;
         AssertionResult& operator = ( AssertionResult const& ) = default;
         AssertionResult& operator = ( AssertionResult && )     = default;
#  endif

        bool isOk() const;
        bool succeeded() const;
        ResultWas::OfType getResultType() const;
        bool hasExpression() const;
        bool hasMessage() const;
        std::string getExpression() const;
        std::string getExpressionInMacro() const;
        bool hasExpandedExpression() const;
        std::string getExpandedExpression() const;
        std::string getMessage() const;
        SourceLineInfo getSourceInfo() const;
        std::string getTestMacroName() const;

        AssertionInfo m_info;
        AssertionResultData m_resultData;

} // end namespace Catch


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