xaizek / d2if (License: GPLv2+) (since 2018-12-07)
Simple dzen2 input formatter, which is supposed to not waste CPU time for nothing and provides a number of builtin "widgets" for displaying system information.
Commit 768bca650704bf260693c184533ea14c819a6049

Better English in the README
Author: xaizek
Author date (UTC): 2017-01-20 20:10
Committer name: xaizek
Committer date (UTC): 2017-01-20 20:10
Parent(s): b0535224c67b0c1578c13fb6d31128aba6fd1f12
Signing key: 99DC5E4DB05F6BE2
Tree: 8dcf0ede290eb0d7e022c323b280e91fbd35a201
File Lines added Lines deleted
README.md 7 7
File README.md changed (mode: 100644) (index d0fd79b..220af7d)
... ... dzen2 input formatter
3 3
4 4 Copyright (C) 2012 xaizek <xaizek@openmailbox.org> Copyright (C) 2012 xaizek <xaizek@openmailbox.org>
5 5
6 Licensed under GNU/GPL v2.
6 Licensed under GNU/GPL v2+.
7 7
8 8 Brief description Brief description
9 9 ----------------- -----------------
10 10
11 This is a simple dzen2 input formatter, which is intender to omit using of
12 scripts to do this job. Compilable language is better for this purpose, since
13 it will require less resources and work faster than scripts written in
14 interpretable languages. The amount of memory and CPU time should be considered
15 since status bar should be updated regularly.
11 This is a simple dzen2 input formatter, which is intended to replace use of
12 scripts to do this job. Compiled language is better for this purpose, because
13 native applications require less resources and work faster than scripts. The
14 amount of memory and CPU time should be considered for obvious reason that
15 status bar is updated with relatively high rate.
16 16
17 17 Configuration Configuration
18 18 ------------- -------------
... ... Fields
28 28 * Memory usage. * Memory usage.
29 29 * CPU usage. * CPU usage.
30 30 * Display brightness. * Display brightness.
31 * Current audio level.
31 * Current audio volume level.
32 32 * Battery status. * Battery status.
33 33 * Network interfaces status. * Network interfaces status.
34 34 * MPD status and currently playing song. * MPD status and currently playing song.

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