xaizek / vifm (License: GPLv2+) (since 2018-12-07)
Vifm is a file manager with curses interface, which provides Vi[m]-like environment for managing objects within file systems, extended with some useful ideas from mutt.
<root> / src / ui /
File Mode Size
private/ 040000
cancellation.c 100644 4,841B
cancellation.h 100644 3,212B
color_manager.c 100644 7,985B
color_manager.h 100644 2,367B
color_scheme.c 100644 40KiB
color_scheme.h 100644 7,935B
colored_line.c 100644 5,273B
colored_line.h 100644 3,311B
colors.h 100644 4,327B
column_view.c 100644 18KiB
column_view.h 100644 5,332B
escape.c 100644 19KiB
escape.h 100644 3,823B
fileview.c 100644 57KiB
fileview.h 100644 6,654B
quickview.c 100644 25KiB
quickview.h 100644 3,805B
statusbar.c 100644 7,083B
statusbar.h 100644 2,683B
statusline.c 100644 25KiB
statusline.h 100644 3,032B
tabs.c 100644 24KiB
tabs.h 100644 4,871B
ui.c 100644 66KiB
ui.h 100644 31KiB

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