xaizek / d2if (License: GPLv2+) (since 2018-12-07)
Simple dzen2 input formatter, which is supposed to not waste CPU time for nothing and provides a number of builtin "widgets" for displaying system information.
<root> / src /
File Mode Size
Battery.cpp 100644 2,923B
Battery.hpp 100644 1,052B
ColorScheme.cpp 100644 1,947B
ColorScheme.hpp 100644 1,339B
Cpu.cpp 100644 2,259B
Cpu.hpp 100644 1,118B
DelimOstreamIterator.hpp 100644 2,519B
Desktop.cpp 100644 2,600B
Desktop.hpp 100644 1,135B
Display.cpp 100644 1,802B
Display.hpp 100644 1,098B
Field.cpp 100644 1,445B
Field.hpp 100644 1,538B
Layout.cpp 100644 996B
Layout.hpp 100644 1,022B
Makefile 100644 733B
Memory.cpp 100644 3,100B
Memory.hpp 100644 1,010B
MpdClient.cpp 100644 5,915B
MpdClient.hpp 100644 1,702B
Network.cpp 100644 4,660B
Network.hpp 100644 1,410B
Player.cpp 100644 2,359B
Player.hpp 100644 1,124B
StatusBar.cpp 100644 2,016B
StatusBar.hpp 100644 1,562B
Time.cpp 100644 1,306B
Time.hpp 100644 1,020B
Timer.cpp 100644 1,097B
Timer.hpp 100644 1,187B
Volume.cpp 100644 3,134B
Volume.hpp 100644 1,169B
XKeyboard.cpp 100644 9,207B
XKeyboard.hpp 100644 1,802B
d2if.cpp 100644 3,029B

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